Thursday, April 15, 2010

A ghost in the machine.

I have a ghost in the machine!

No, it is not the Magpie Cat looking for a new nest, it is the software for my new camera! I'm so gutted! I had so many lovely piccies to share, and it worked the first time, but alas, never again. I re-installed it three times, and Richard gave it the benefit of all his problem solving and troubleshooting deliberations, but to no avail. So, it's back to the shop I go on Monday. But here are a few that I managed to get in before the wheels fell off!

The crysanths are from my Mum and she calls them "Matt's flowers", because they were grown from a cutting taken from a pot of crysanths that someone gave us after we lost him in a helicopter crash this time last year. It's not the least bit morbid, it makes us happy to see something lovely come from such a manky and neglected plant, and they always remind Mum of my brother Matt now, as they come out at this time of year. He loved an Easter Egg hunt did Matt, and it's those things that we love to remember about him.

I love this vignette, and keep being drawn back to it.

Never really did quite work out what to do with my plastic geraniums, but I feel they are an item that every girl should have in her magpie chic stash!!!

This is just the perfect image for serenity in the Magpie Chic world!
Thanks for calling in :P


  1. Jacqui, I just found your too cute blog and I shall be following in my google reader. I'm from very far away from you, Deer Creek, Illinois,US. Your pink booties with geraniums is so pretty. I like your quilts too. I'll be back again.
    Sally Hackney

  2. Hi. I've only just found your blog, I'm so pleased I did! So cute. Looking forward to getting to know you lots better.

  3. I have just come over from Happy's! I love your blog, I shall definitely visit again! Pop and visit me sometime, you are always welcome over at my place. So sad to hear about Matt, and to enjoy the beauty and memories of him in those flowers is a lovely way to remember him. lovely! Oooh, love the look blog look by the way! Suzie x

  4. Love your blog, popped over from Happy's she too designed my blog I would love you to come over when you have a mo.So sorry to hear about Matt hope you have some lovely memories to treasure...Lucey xx

  5. Welcome to blogland,,,I love your blog,,,forward to reading more on your blog...have a great day..

  6. Hi- nice to meet you - what a beautiful blog! - Love your photos - xxx

  7. Hi Ladies, what a lovely thing to meet you all! Shall be popping over to visit you all!


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